Last couple years have been... a lot of things, but mostly it's been emotionally exhausting.
I'm choosing to pull up my big girl panties, pull up my chin up high, & stand in the (WWP)Wonder Woman Pose!
If you haven’t heard of the WWP, try it next time you are nearing a stressful or nerve wracking situation. Kinda like facing the new year with all its glory; new challenges, new successes, and of course the all unknowing future.
Now do this;
Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, push your chest out, put your hands on your hips.
Scientifically… this WWP effect can change your hormone levels in the body by increasing testosterone (connected with dominance) and decreasing cortisol (connected with stress.) Now breathe in & out deeply and repeat your mantra, mine is, “I am successful”. Do your WWP for about 2 minutes, focusing on your mantra.
My mantra covers a lot of ground; being successful in my rabbit breedings, my bunny shearings, my creative endeavors, training our dogs, loving my husband, being a good friend, etc. As I breathe in & out slowly and confidently standing in my WWP, I am becoming convinced of my mantra, believing it, and getting prepared to do what it takes to make it happen.
Today my mantra, “I am successful”, is specifically focused on my Giant Angora Breedings. My goal is to have an overabundance of 8-10 week old Giant Angoras by March/April, 2022. In the last several years I have been improving our Giant Angoras, while primarily focusing on perfecting the Chestnut color. I am finally feeling confident in our quality, and would love to share. Are they perfect, gosh NO, far from it. My Giants are always a work in progress.
If all goes well, and my WWP proves successful, I will have plenty of great quality Giants to share and be able to keep an ample amount to progress with my Chestnut COD program.
Normally my prices start at $200. For the Fuzzy Vaughn's Giant Spring Fling, we will temporarily reduce the price on all our Jr Giants to $75.
All Giants will be sold with a full pedigree.
All Giants will have RHDV2 Vac & Bunny Vac.
All Jrs will be approx 8-10 weeks old.
All prospective buyers must fill out our Online Sales Agreement.
All prospective buyers are encouraged to seek out transportation now. I would recommend Bunny Hop Drop, LLC. You can request to join her private Facebook group and stay informed on her upcoming runs.
Let's work together to make even more great quality Giant Angoras!